

September 27, 2021

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Ending 30th Sept


Furlough Scheme Due To End This Week

If you've been affected by the ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme’ more commonly known as furlough, this is due to end on the 30th of September. With universal credit benefits also being slashed simultaneously and without the guarantee of returning to a stable job, Bettersafe offers affordable short-term income protection to lessen the impact on your finances.

The job retention scheme was introduced in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic that wiped out a significant number of jobs and left many people without work. This scheme offered employers tax incentives if they retained staff for six months after their contract commenced or until employment found them new work, whichever came first. The scheme has been successful in helping to retain employees, but it is set to end on 30th September 2021 with unforeseen outcomes on the horizon.

Furlough rates have dropped to just 5% the lowest since the pandemic began, although in some areas such as in Hillingdon, West London, the furlough scheme remains a lifeline for workers with one in ten still receiving up to 80% of their wages from government support. £68.5 billion has been spent so far to protect almost 12 million jobs from the beginning of March 2020, but this finally ends this month. There is now a severe shortage of workers and materials that have dragged Britain’s economic recovery to a stall, we are faced with the worst supply chain crisis since the 1970s, but ministers hope that with the end of furlough, this budget can be used to help plug up the gaps. Many businesses are struggling to hire the crucial workforce of chefs, baristas, butchers, lorry drivers, builders, and shop workers with around 1.6 million people still furloughed as of the end of July.

How Can Bettersafe Support You?

Many people are still worried about job security and the loss of the extra income support the government has been providing job seekers throughout the pandemic. But with Bettersafe, you can ensure you have income protection insurance to lessen the impact on your personal finances so that you can keep on top of important bills and payments. With Bettersafe, we provide income support up to £2000 a month due to a loss of earnings by the way of an accident and/or illness including contracting COVID-19 that would hinder your ability to work. Such significant and sudden changes are stressful and unsettling, so we have designed our product to offer choice, flexibility, and support if you have to make a claim. We've got your back.

To be eligible for an income protection policy with Bettersafe, you must be able to meet the following criteria and to be able to claim on your policy, you must be certified unable to work by a doctor or GP due to accident or illness. Our policy also protects you if you return to work on temporarily reduced hours, but your hours must not be more than 75% of your usual hours and this change does not become permanent.

  • You must be 18 or over and under 64 years of age.
  • are permanently resident within the UK and have been so for at least 6 months.
  • are working within the United Kingdom, for at least 16 hours a week, and have been doing so continuously for the previous 6 months.
  • are not absent from work due to illness or injury, other than due to a minor illness such as a cold or flu. (If you are off work with a minor illness then your disability cover, if you have selected it, will not commence until you return to work).
  • are not aware of any impending job losses to be imposed by your employer that are about to happen and are likely to affect you.
  • are not aware that you will have to give up work to become a carer.
  • are not aware, if you are self-employed, that you will have to cease trading in your self-employed business because you cannot find enough work to meet your day-to-day business and living expenses.

Get Income Support Today

With a range of waiting periods from zero to 120 days, the ability to switch from another provider free of charge, easy to pay monthly premiums and income support made direct to you. We have a straightforward and easy application process to get you the financial relief you need in a potentially desperate time, simply follow the link here at If you would like to find out more information about income protection insurance and how taking out a policy can benefit you, you can visit the Citizen’s Advice website here at

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