How To Save Money Buying Car Hire Excess Insurance

Although it is generally possible to buy your insurance needs at the check-in desk of the car rental company in whatever country you are aiming to drive, consumer dissatisfaction has tended to focus on the comparatively poor level of service provided and its high cost.
Disquiet is typically voiced about
- The excess insurance cover provided by the rental company still leaving some areas of the vehicle – notably the underside, roof, windows and tyres – unprotected.
- A failure to explain exactly what is covered in any car hire excess insurance.
- A daily rate of charge for excess insurance cover that may exceed the actual rental cost.
- An unfavourable rate of exchange when paying for the insurance cover in the local currency.
Looking Elsewhere
Given such areas of concern, growing numbers of consumers may be looking elsewhere for their excess insurance needs.
Perhaps having learned the habit when making any other purchase, at least some of these consumers may be turning to comparison websites in order to find the cheapest alternative provider of car excess insurance.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), however, has recently warned about such a reliance on comparison websites. As reported by the Independent newspaper recently, for example, the FCA points out that some of these websites fail to describe properly or fully the products listed – with consumers risking the danger of selecting a product that does not suit their needs.
Specialist providers
If there are misconceptions about the quality of service offered by comparison websites and the potential conflicts of interest they may involve, what is the consumer’s alternative?
Rather than relying on your own assessment of what is needed and what represents a competitive price, you might instead approach those in the insurance industry most likely to know what they are talking about.
These are direct, specialist providers – such as those of us here at Bettersafe – who have the expertise and experience in meeting customers’ requirements with the most suitable product on offer.
Our Car Hire Excess Protection
- It is clearly and fully explained in the easy to read policy document you receive.
- It is offered by an entirely independent, direct provider of rental car excess insurance.
- Covers any excess you may have to pay to the car rental company (up to pre-agreed limits).
- If you have met any such demand for excess payment, simply save the receipts and any other documentation, submit your claim once you return home and reimbursement of the payment is promptly made.
- It may be tailored to suit your proposed travel plans – whether you intend to be driving in the UK and Europe; the Americas, or anywhere else in the world, for example.
- Cover may be purchased at a competitive daily rate or on the basis of a single annual premium for year-round cover, whenever you are travelling and need to hire a car.
- In the choice between buying your insurance from the car rental company, attempting your own researches through comparison websites or going straight to the company with the specialist knowledge to provide the cover most likely to suit your needs, therefore, the last of these options may lead to your getting the cover you need – and saving the most money into the bargain.