All You Need To Know About Your Car Excess Insurance

What It Is?
- An excess is an amount that you need to pay in the event of a successful claim under your personal motor insurance policy.
- It is the first part of any settlement awarded so that if the value of the loss or damage to your vehicle is less than the excess, you end up paying the whole bill, but if it is more, then you pay just the full amount of any excess.
- For this reason, an excess represents an insurer’s way of getting you to share responsibility for the risk of loss or damage to your car.
Why Is It A Problem?
- Paying an excess may prove a problem if you simply do not have the cash to meet what might sometimes be a significant sum.
- If you are unable to pay, you are likely to find that the garage refuses to complete any necessary repairs and you remain without a car – despite your having paid each month to keep it insured.
- It may be even more of a problem if you have agreed to shoulder a greater excess amount from your insurer in return for a discount on the premiums you pay – even the government-sponsored Money Advice Service, for instance, suggests the possibility of accepting a bigger excess in order to reduce the cost of motor insurance.
Excess Insurance
- Bettersafe have a product designed to do just that – allow you to potentially enjoy cheaper motor insurance premiums through the acceptance of a bigger excess that is nonetheless safely protected by the money-back reassurance of excess insurance.
- More than that, our insurance product is the only one in the UK that actually arranges payment of the excess directly to the garage responsible for repairing your car – it does not simply reimburse the sum that you are otherwise obliged to pay, but actually pays it directly.
- With this type of cover, therefore, you may rest assured that repairs go ahead without your having to find the excess payment in advance of the repairs and you may be back behind the wheel just as soon as the garage is done.
A Further Tip
- With the protection of excess insurance on your motor insurance, you may rest assured that any excess may be paid promptly and directly to the repair shop.
- What that means, of course, is that you may also feel considerably more comfortable in taking on a greater amount of excess in order to lower the cost of your motor insurance premiums.
- After all, if you are certain that the excess is going to be met by the excess cover you have arranged, there is no reason why you may not take advantage of the discounts typically offered by your motor insurer for shouldering a voluntary in addition to any compulsory excess.
- Car excess insurance may, therefore, provide a way for you to enjoy the twofold benefits of lower insurance premiums on your motor insurance yet the peace of mind in knowing that essential repairs to your damaged vehicle need never be delayed by your need to find the cost of any excess.